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Are you wondering how to set up your Satiator? Check out the instructions on getting started.

Are you having trouble getting it to work? Take a squiz at the troubleshooting page.

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Software updates

Known issues

As of firmware 161, menu 68:

  • Menu text does not show up on some Saturns. A fix will be released shortly. Menu 67 can be used in the mean time.
  • When booting CD-Rs in modchip mode, if you do not hold A during boot, discs will occasionally fail to be detected as Saturn games. Just reboot and try again (or hold A during poweron for a faster boot).

There is a compatibility tracker here on GitHub where you can track and report issues with games.

start.1727504043.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/28 06:14 by abrasive

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